Cumbria Unity Festival 2021

Welcome to the Cumbria Unity Festival!

Cumbria unity festival is a family event that is fun and also has an important message, aiming to advance equality and celebrate diversity.

This year our annual festival of unity will be celebrated county-wide!

Throughout this difficult year we have been deprived of contact, but we also have learned how to connect in the absence of physical presence.

Technology has made the distances between us shorter; we’ve reached out far and wide and participated in events we wouldn’t have been able to join in person.

What better opportunity to be united on a larger scale?

Also, the common threat we have faced this year has given a deeper meaning to the concept of unity.

We have experienced that when we are united we are stronger, more connected, better equipped to find solutions to huge problems.

But we have also learned that the actions of one individual can have exponential and dire repercussions on multitudes of people; that communities, populations, countries, are not isolated entities and cannot act as if they were.

How does that redefine the idea of unity?

Does unity also mean taking personal responsibility? Knowing that all the systems we inhabit are inextricably connected? Understanding that our choices and actions affect others?

Join the conversation!

MLK quote