
Submitted byadmin onWed, 03/28/2018 - 04:54

Cumbria Unity Festival – Call for Volunteers

The Plate Spinners:  Event Management. This team is responsible for the overall co-ordination of the Festival, ensuring that everything is in place to enable the event to run smoothly.  

The Belt and Braces Bunch:  Health and Safety. Your eagle eyes will spot any potential hazards for volunteers and visitors and keep the festival site accident free.  It may not be exciting but it is very important and you’ll have our deepest gratitude.  

The Strong ones: Set Up Crew. Not afraid of an early start you will be on hand first thing in the morning to direct the teams setting up stalls and equipment. Once that’s done you will be needed to deliver messages, fetch and carry and generally be on hand to help with whatever’s needed. We won’t be able to manage without you.
The Magic Wands: Decorations Team.  For those with a magical, creative touch. Responsible for fixing up any bunting, banners and decorations, transforming the site and creating an enchanting festival vibe. 

Gate Keepers: Registration team. Nobody gets past you guys. You are responsible for making sure that everyone who is involved with the event is properly registered and checks in.  

Insta Gang:  Publicity team. Say it loud and say in proud. We want everyone to know about the Cumbria Unity festival and get involved. So make yourself heard on social media, and anyway you can. If you have a way with words and the technical know how you could make all the difference to the numbers attending.
Wizards of Oz:  Information team. The source of all knowledge, this one is for those with real people skills. You will be ready to direct visitors, answer their questions and provide details of the day’s programme and running order.

House Elfs: Clean Up Crew.  It’s not glamourous but once the event is over everything needs to be cleaned away. You will be an essential part of the event making sure the site is left ship shape. And we promise you will get an article of clothing so you can claim your freedom when you’re done!

If you are interested in any of the above roles and want to join us please contact: 

Amelia Eshraghi-Yazdi 
E-mail: kendalunity@awaz.info