Kendal Unity Festival

Lakeland Arts -Pop Up Portraiture Studio

Submitted byadmin onMon, 06/04/2018 - 15:46

Pop-up portraiture in the park! Abbot Hall Art Gallery is setting up a Georgian photo booth inspired by portraits in the gallery. Dress up and have your picture taken by a photographer dressed as George Romney. Portraits will then be displayed at Abbot Hall to reflect the faces of Kendal today.  

5 reasons to Support Kendal Unity Festival

Submitted byadmin onWed, 03/28/2018 - 05:04
  1. It's fun, free and for all the family.  (Actually that's three reasons already)
  2. It's a chance to learn something new.
  3. You can visit an exhibition and pick up a whole host of information.
  4. It's a chance to experience a different culture right here in Kendal.
  5. You can listen to musicians.

Celebrating unity in diversity

Submitted byadmin onWed, 03/28/2018 - 04:59

Unity Festival is designed to help build community cohesion and foster good relations by tackling prejudice, promoting mutual understanding and celebrating the diversity of people and cultures in Kendal.  Encouraging people to get involved in a wide range of activities that help to breakdown barriers and create unity.