Claire Griffel - Story telling Fun for children

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 15:36
Claire Griffel - Storyteller

For Kendal Unity Festival Claire Griffel will be offering: 

2 children's storytelling sessions at Kendal library, Stricklandgate LA9 4PY in the children's section  
There will be one in the morning from 11 - 12 and one in the afternoon from 2 - 3 
There will be exciting boxes full of lots of unusual objects 
I will dress up in a special storytelling robe and red storytelling shoes 
Children will be able to:        

  •   listen to stories 
  •   be part of stories 
  •   makeup stories and 
  •    share stories 

She will be reading her new illustrated book "Quet-zal's Tail" which is all about being different. Signed and dedicated copies will be available.  

Children of literally any age and their adults will be welcomed and older children can also enjoy the fun. 
Adults can come too!! 

Claire Griffel work supports projects under the Imagine Senegal banner which includes twinning projects between primary schools in South Lakes and Senegal, West Africa.

Claire Griffel - Storytelling Workshop Kendal Unity Festival