The WI Cumbria-Westmorland

Submitted byadmin onMon, 06/04/2018 - 21:59

International Coffee Morning;

Cumbria-Westmorland Federation has over 2000 members belonging to 71 WIs, in villages and towns throughout a beautiful area of the country including the Furness Penisular, South Lakeland, the Eden and Lune Valleys.

Our WIs large and small, including King's Meaburn in the north to Dentdale in the east, Barrow-in-Furness in the west and Silverdale in the south, forge strong links with their 
local communities. 

The Federation plays a significant part in important regional events including the Westmorland County Show and Holker Garden Festival. 

We offer women fellowship and friendship, opportunities to learn and develop new skills and interests as well as the opportunity to have a voice in campaigns on local, national and international issues.