
More In Common

Submitted byadmin onMon, 06/04/2018 - 16:04


Join us in the Peace Garden for the 'Great Get Together' jacob's join picnic.

“We are supporting the Unity Festival because we want to highlight the positive aspects of diversity in Kendal”.


Submitted byadmin onMon, 06/04/2018 - 15:55

Not singing?  Want to?  Do!  Growing Singing is a tiny business in Kendal where the point is to get more people singing - not to perform, not because we're good at it, not for any other reason than that it's so good for us to sing. We run a couple of singing groups but also promote ALL the singing opportunities in Kendal and around.    

Lakeland Arts -Pop Up Portraiture Studio

Submitted byadmin onMon, 06/04/2018 - 15:46

Pop-up portraiture in the park! Abbot Hall Art Gallery is setting up a Georgian photo booth inspired by portraits in the gallery. Dress up and have your picture taken by a photographer dressed as George Romney. Portraits will then be displayed at Abbot Hall to reflect the faces of Kendal today.