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Saint Vincent DePaul Society

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 15:52

The SVP stall will be one with plenty of information about its work for those in need with an emphasis on what we do locally and Social Justice.

Our Mini Vinnies group of Dean Gibson children will be offering activities from mid morning to mid afternoon. These will include Guess the Name of the Teddy Bear and games on Equality and Diversity themes.


Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 15:49

UnTethered is a band from the Kendal area, playing ukuleles, guitar, bass, harmonicas, percussion AND NOW trumpet!. We are developing a fusion of instruments and voices to take a new look at popular & traditional songs. 

Kendal Organ Donor Town

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 15:12

Kendal Organ Donor Town was founded by Cllr Chris Hogg when he became Mayor of Kendal in May 2015 announcing that his aim was to sign up 1000 new registrations on the organ donor register. Cllr Rachael Hogg received her first kidney transplant in July 1990. In February 2016 Chris donated his kidney to Rachael.

Kendal Community Theatre

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 15:15

Kendal Community Theatre is a professionally directed theatre company. Productions take place all over Kendal and beyond and range from: street theatre A Passion for Kendal to stage plays Lady Anne Clifford ~ a Woman Cast Out & Oh what a Lovely War to Kendal Yarns Festival of New Plays to BBC Radio Cumbria broadcasts, tours of Retirement Homes and Music Hall.

South Lakeland Housing

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 14:45

South Lakes Housing (SLH) became an independent housing association with charitable rules in March 2012 following a ballot of tenants who voted 84.5% ‘in favour’ of the transfer from SLDC. SLH owns 3085 homes and is the largest provider of affordable housing in South Lakeland.

Shared Lives

Submitted byadmin onSun, 06/10/2018 - 14:35

A new way to Live, A new way to Care
Shared Lives is a scheme that matches adults who need support with host carers who provide them with respite, day support or long term care in the carer’s family home
You could care for a variety of people including: